
“Whatever happens next, I do not think it is to be feared.” - The Prisoner, Outer Wilds

algorithms: hydro

thornado-hydro: A Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Supernova Hydrodynamics with Nuclear Equations of State
Pochik, David, Barker, Brandon L., Endeve, Eirik, Buffaloe, Jesse, Dunham, Samuel J., Roberts, Nick, & Mezzacappa, Anthony 2021, ApJS, 253, 1, p. 21
thornado-hydro: towards discontinuous Galerkin methods for supernova hydrodynamics
Endeve, Eirik, Buffaloe, Jesse, Dunham, Samuel J., Roberts, Nick, Andrew, Kristopher, Barker, Brandon, Pochik, David, Pulsinelli, Juliana, & Mezzacappa, Anthony 2019, in Journal of Physics Conference Series, 1225, p. 012014


Inferring Type II-P Supernova Progenitor Masses from Plateau Luminosities
Barker, Brandon L., O'Connor, Evan P., & Couch, Sean M. 2023, ApJL, 944, 1, p. L2
Connecting the Light Curves of Type IIP Supernovae to the Properties of Their Progenitors
Barker, Brandon L., Harris, Chelsea E., Warren, MacKenzie L., O'Connor, Evan P., & Couch, Sean M. 2022, ApJ, 934, 1, p. 67